5 Elements

The Five Elements

When observing how Spirit is present as energy in matter, the ancients recognized four primary organizing factors, which they called the elements: earth, water, air and fire. To account for the presence of Spirit at the heart of all matter Ayurveda includes ether (space) as the fifth element. It’s easy to identify how the elements exist in nature. Just look at a rushing stream to know water, or a towering mountain for earth. Take in a breath of air or let the wind brush across your face. Light a candle and feel the heat emanating from its flame. Close your eyes and notice the space your own physical presence occupies to sense ether. We can observe their creative, constructive power too as, for example, in the case of coal burning in the furnace to produce heat and propulsion. The five elements are present in every facet of the physical world from the smallest particle to the tallest mountain. They organize and classify matter in all its forms, including our own psycho-physiological human experience. 

No structure is composed of merely one element, but rather of a combination of all the elements, with one dominating. In the case of a mountain, for example, it is easy to observe that the earth element is prevalent.

         A thorough examination of these five elements traces a direct path back to their roots in the triune function of the three gunas as described by Dr. Stone and therefore makes them essential to the work of a Polarity Therapist. Ether is observable in the body both as our sense of existential connection to personal or cosmic wisdom, and as the space between each cell, within the various cavities of the body, and in our joints. Air accounts for the exchange of gasses in our system as well as for all movement; it is the carrier of information in the case of the nervous system and the oxygen exchange with each cell in our body. Fire is heat and digestion in the body – the transformation of solid food into digestible liquids and the heat generated by the movement of muscle fibers, which is then transformed into action and reaction. Water is found in the reproductive system and governs all fluids in the body. It is the conduit, carrying oxygen, lymphatic fluid, vital nutrients and the seeds of life itself through the body. Earth is the physical structure of our skeletal system and the absorption and elimination system – the tamas principle of crystallization and receptivity, and a return to source.

            Each element possesses its own vibration and polarity in the body with a positive, neutral and negative pole and is in constant motion, exchanging energy along the various pathways of each pole. In the same way we can observe the involution/evolution current of energy inherent in the triune function of the three gunas in our physical environment, it is also innately at play in every cell, organ, structure and pattern of behavior in our own life experience through the elements. Numerous events, thought patterns, dietary changes or mental and emotional challenges can cause one or more of the elements to become out of balance. Instead of a healthy ratio of each element flowing throughout the system, one might find that a particular energy has become overactive, or is blocked from its full expression. And because our physical body is the crystallized version of these energy currents, these imbalances manifest as a host of ailments from headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, aches and pains, emotional and mental difficulties to actual injury or illness, depending on the severity and duration of the imbalance. 

Polarity Therapists seek to bring these elements back into balance through a three-fold approach: body-based work to activate, soothe or balance the various energy centers and elements; dietary advice to support a healthy and balanced doshic profile; and polarity yoga, a specific set of yoga postures developed by Dr. Stone to target the particular currents and poles of the elements in the body. Naturally, a practitioner will explore the various causes of the imbalance with the client and together they establish new ways of approaching old situations to prevent a recurrence of future imbalances. Just as a Physical Therapist would advise throwing out the ten year old pillow and buying a new one for patients with chronic neck stiffness, a Polarity Therapist will encourage you to root out activities, dietary factors, behaviors or belief patterns which contribute to the elemental imbalance. 

The Elements One at a Time

Pure Love

Ether is the element of space and the neutral, still wisdom of satva. The ether element is the very space in which manifestation of the universal life force energy occurs and is therefore the element within us of connection to this energy, as well as the expression of ourselves as the reflection of it. In the body ether is found in the neck region and the joints but also represents the space within and without: The space we take up with our physical and energetic presence; the space created in our nasal cavities or lungs; and the space between each organ, muscle and cell, is ether. 
Ether is the sense of sound in the body. Sound is carried as vibration through space and is also a primary means of self-expression, as it provides the very space and consciousness necessary in which energy seeks expression. 
To experience Ether: Close your eyes and notice the space around you. Next, become aware of your presence within that space, notice what portion of it you occupy. Notice a sensation of expansiveness occurring on every level of your awareness. Ether is present within each cell of our bodies and is inseparable from the wisdom and awareness of universal spirit. As we sit with balanced ether we are strengthening our connection and sense of union with this universal wisdom and we experience this as a state of expanded consciousness; a lightening of being. 
People born with an abundance of ether in their constitution tend to have elongated, delicate or frail looking bodies. They move gracefully and often have a faraway look in their eyes. They are soft spoken and tend to have higher pitched voices but don’t let the subtle tone fool you. When they speak there is a great depth of wisdom beneath their words. They may appear unorganized to the untrained eye, but ether will know exactly where to find that slip of paper among the pile of scattered files. They have a keen sense of perspective but lack any real connection to a sense of time; often missing the importance or relevance of time in general, preferring instead to meditate on the expansive and timeless realms of consciousness. 
 Some ways we may begin to notice our ether to go out of balance may be a feeling of not belonging, of loneliness or isolation. We may lose perspective on a matter, feeling lost and out of sorts among a myriad of seemingly disjointed experiences or emotions. An out of balance ether element can manifest as joint pain, or difficulty breathing. The emotion of grief is felt and experienced through our ether element thus anyone experiencing a loss is encouraged to seek community and support to strengthen the inherent sense of belonging and love. 

Love Flowing into Action

 Air is the impulse and movement of neutral satva flowing toward active rajas: The ‘call to action’ we have all felt, and is classified as movement. It is the home of all movement in the body from our arms swinging as we walk to the synapses firing in our brain and signals carried out through the sympathetic nervous system. Air is the element of the respiratory and circulatory systems; working in harmony to bring oxygen in from our environment and deliver its vital energy to every cell in our body. It exists without form and governs the transfer of energy reactions in gaseous form (inhaling oxygen, exhaling carbon monoxide, etc). 
Consequently it is experienced in the individual as an excitable, ever-transitioning, ever-moving current of energy. In balance, the air element is the mind energy flowing clearly from the still reservoir of wise satva and the universal life energy. Air is the sense of touch in the body as it is the movement and exchange of information of tiny hairs and receptors on our skin which give us sensation.
Take a moment to sit still and observe the constant rhythms and currents of movement occurring throughout your system from the air moving through your lungs and nose to the thoughts carrying such observations back to your awareness. When air is unhindered by the clutter of superfluous thought patterns or physical pollutants, it is most directly linked to the ether principle and thereby to the universal spirit in action within us. The experience of this is called bliss and anyone who has achieved even a millisecond of true bliss realizes that, inseparable from the sensation of bliss is the desire to act upon it; to spread or share or create more bliss. This is the air principle at its fundamental level; to provide the impulse, initial movement, for universal spirit to flow into the world of action and experience. We often experience this link with spirit as a deeply seated, compassionate desire to serve, and as devotion, therefore it is the air element which brings us into contact with these feelings in our daily lives.
People born with an abundance of air in their constitution tend to be tall and lean, or short and slender in build. They are sensitive to cold, dry environments and will have dry skin and hair in general. Prone to anxiety or mental stress, air types often have difficulty falling asleep or tend to wake up very early full of energy. They are constantly on the go, and take pleasure from keeping busy, active and engaged. They are highly compassionate and feel compelled to action when a person is in need. Air personalities are also extremely enthusiastic, excitable and full of joy – often appearing to others as having been carried away by their own excitement. It is true, that when air types get a hold of an idea they are excited by, their minds begin to spin it forward and there is little to stem the tide of mental activity and enthusiasm at that point! 
People with an abundance of Air in their profile are best supported by keeping to regular routines, making sure to drink plenty of fluids and going to bed at the same time every night. In addition, certain oils and "watery" foods are useful in the diet of anyone with an abundance of Air. In all cases, making time in one's day to honor the self, slow down and breathe are essential habits for a healthy, balanced Air Element.

Love as a Transformational Force 

Fire, the positive rajas aspect, is the element of transformation; the alchemist. The airy action of creating, or manifesting, transforms one energy into another. When we act on an idea we get results. When we burn wood we create smoke. When we heat water we get steam. All of this is done with the support of the Air element. But when we harness and direct these newly created forces we can achieve astounding things, and that is what Fire does best. 
Fire is the warmth and vitality of the sun and the masculine “Yang” energy of our spirit. It rules the digestive process in the body; actively working to transform food into digestible energy. It also plays a large role in the perception of our environment and, in turn, our psychological reaction to it. Fire is passionate, emotional and present in the mental process of perception and discernment. 
Fire is the sense of sight – energy which is converted to light and color by our eyes. A room full of people can all be looking at the same object but looking at it will spark off an entirely different set of reactions in the mind and heart for each individual. It is the fire energy within which goes to work directing the mind’s observation, or thoughts, into reactions in the physical and emotional body. 

Movement, the air element, in the body creates heat (the energy of fire). Just as when we blow gently on a flame it grows, the furnace within is encouraged by the steady stream of the air element. Therefore a thorough understanding of one depends on also understanding the other. Fire is our will center and governs our ability to channel inspiration into result, or, air into fire. Its mental energy is experienced when we act upon an idea, or desire, manifesting it into something tangible and effective. Fire is the mental discernment necessary to weed out those ideas or desires whose manifestation would not yield such a positive experience. 
 Close your eyes and sit still with your spine erect. Now draw in your breath, imagining that you are pulling this breath up the front of your body from the base of your feet. At this breath reaches the top of your head, exhale deeply and imagine it cascading down your spine until it reaches your feet where the inhale draws it up again. Sit with the warmth and activity spreading through your limbs and into your stomach region as you continue this breathing. This is the furnace of fire igniting at your core. It is felt as clarity, discernment, the decision to act and as the passionate drive toward realization of a goal. The dream of life is pitted toward manifestation as it passes through the fiery cauldron at the core of your being. 

Fire also has an intricate relationship with the water element, which rules the sacrum and is the place of reflection. It is often said that fire is the riverbed which channels and directs the current of water, in as much as water carries the particles by which the riverbed is forged. A delicate balance exists between the directive force of fire and the surrendered, yet highly charged creative power of water in the art of manifestation. This is one reason a regular meditation practice comes in so handy. As fire seeks to direct its energy forward, a meditative mind brings clear wisdom from both above (air) and below (water), allowing us to manifest a path of balance and harmony in our lives.

Those born with heavy fire influence in their system are usually of medium build and have intense, bright eyes. They are prone to digestive conditions, headaches and rashes or acne. Passionate, emotional, often intense, fire types are action oriented and highly articulate. They have a sharp mind and razor like ability to focus and channel their thoughts toward a particular goal. Those with an abundant fire element in their system find that rigorous exercise relaxes their system and helps to clear their minds. When balanced fire sets its mind to an idea it is difficult to veer course down the road; they bring a single minded determination to those goals which have been deemed worthy of attainment. These emotional beings are prone to depression or anger issues and require emotional as well as physical respites regularly, to calm their often tempestuous nature.

The power of love

Water is the receptive, tamas aspect of the body: Energy flowing inward which draws in, slows and cools the rajasic impulse on the way to fulfilling the triad function of sustaining matter. This attachment, the negative pull of energy, is vital to the polarity of matter for without it energy would simple expand and expand and there would exist no individualized structure for our reality to unfold. With the introduction of this receptive, tamasic principle, the foundation is set for all things above to manifest and unfold below: for water is the mirror, as a medium, making possible the statement: As Above, So Below. 
The element water is, therefore, composed of all things ethery, airy and fiery but expressed in its reflected state as the receptive, attracting, downward flowing current of energy. It is the blood in which air’s oxygen is delivered; the container for air’s capacity of love and compassion. It is the saliva of fire’s digestion and the feminine yin counterpart to fire’s masculine yang. While Ether is space for creation to spring forth, water is the substance from which creation springs forth: The reflection of universal spirit- as our individualized soul - is held and sustained by the water element. 
To illustrate this principle, place ten pots of water in the sun. Looking into each individual pot you will see the singular sun reflected perfectly back at you. Close your eyes and feel the warmth of this sun emanating from your heart until it fills your whole chest cavity. This is the power of the negative current reflecting back toward heaven what it beholds, and therefore creating a natural sense of tension - a method of holding space and time together, while allowing it to take on an infinite multitude of separate forms and expressions. 
To truly experience the water element in your body, try sitting beside the ocean or a river. Connect with the currents before you and slowly allow your awareness to turn this sensation inward. Water flows rhythmically throughout our entire system and when we sit still and observe, we can tune in to the subtle ebbs and flows or, for example, the cerebrospinal fluid carrying the airy transactions of the nervous system. 

The sacrum is water’s domain and the center point between formless energy and its formed expression. It is the very substance which carries all that comes before it into embodiment. Another way to understand this is to look at the emotional life of the water element in us. Emotions are the mind’s attachment to what fire perceives and water is the seat of our deepest emotional memories and the attachment to these emotions. Have you ever had a hard time letting something go? Consider that it isn't the emotion itself we have trouble letting go of, it is our attachment to the emotion. Water is a binding force, sewing energy into a low enough vibration to give it substance - so consider how tightly we bind our sense of self, of value, of security, etc, to an emotion or an object. 
This is a valuable distinction to make, for the water element is often blamed for making us "too emotional" or "sentimental". But when we can separate our understanding of where an emotion comes from and how transient its essential energy, from the force and will within us to attach ourselves to it, we then have the power to break down the attachment and release ourselves from harmful emotional states. For water has as much power to break apart bounded energies as it has to hold them. Also consider the tremendous service this attachment provides as well. For when aided by the wisdom and inspiration of ether and air and the discernment of fire, we can form lasting emotional attachments which allow for the constant support of love and nourishment in our lives. 
Water is a powerful energy at the heart and center of creation itself. It is characterized by rhythm, change, flow and serenity; bonded to the riverbank and yet carrying the very substances which forged the riverbank in the first place (just ask the Grand Canyon what water can do!). Consider that the vast percentage of our bodies is made up of water and begin to appreciate the strength and significance of this element’s function. We are all water beings with the capacity to care deeply for and nurture one another to the point of the creation of new life.
Water governs the sense of taste. Water is necessary for our tongues to achieve taste. It is the lymphatic and reproductive system and all things liquid in the body from the tireless semen and the nurturing fluid in the womb to the bladder or the blood through our veins. 

If water is dominant in your constitution you tend to have a more rounded, or voluptuous body type with large, oval eyes. You are tactile, sensual and expressive with an ability to simply merge with or adapt to any environment. You are big-hearted and nurturing but can easily attach a sense of self-worth to these actions and must be careful to remain nurturing toward yourself as well as to others. You can sometimes struggle with attachment and boundary issues in matters of the heart. Once you love, it is often forever, making the letting go process challenging, but the rewards lasting. You are highly intuitive and empathetic, easily able to identify with what others are feeling or needing and take joy in meeting those needs. You have an innate allure, people are often drawn to you almost magnetically. When the energy and strength of balanced water is directed purposefully toward a goal you can clear any obstacle in your path as well as win over the heart and devotion of any person you meet along the way.  

Perfect love, expressed perfectly in us

 Earth is the most crystallized state of spirit energy and the element whose polarity gives the body its ultimate structure and stability. It is the element of the skeletal system. We require strong, sturdy bones to provide the support and stability necessary to fully interact with our environment. It is therefore the element which gives us our sense of feeling safe, and secure in our surroundings. Most importantly we must trust ourselves and our own strength and instincts to navigate the precarious and ever changing environment which is manifest reality. 
Earth rules the sense of smell in our body. It is also present in the body’s assimilation and elimination system. In accordance with the Tamas principle of involution and reception, the body regularly draws into itself (assimilates) all the nutrients and substances it requires to function properly from the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, to even the thoughts and feelings we encounter both in ourselves and in those we care for. It is the Earth element in us which is responsible for releasing the resulting waste product from the body through the elimination system. By returning the body’s waste product to the larger environment we are, essentially, completing the manifestation cycle of life as well as the triune function of the three gunas. Matter is sustained and energy contained with the final component of earth, and here pivots toward ether and the return to unified spirit.
Psychologically, this process of elimination is the release of all patterns, thoughts and behaviors which no longer support us in our lives. Ancient wisdom suggests that when we cleanse our bodies of built up toxins and waste products, our minds and souls become clearer as well. In fact, one cannot expect a clear, conscious heart without a clear and cleansed body.

When earth is prevalent in the system a person will tend to have a strong, well-built or stocky body with good physical and mental stamina. He will often enjoy a sense of feeling at home and being comfortable in his own body, and be able to move with ease and rhythm spontaneously. Earth types express themselves best through their actions and behaviors. Inertia and lethargy are signs that he or she has become out of balance. Earth types must be careful not to shut down emotionally, or allow their feelings to stagnate in trying or challenging situations. 

Interested in what your personal Elemental profile? Click here to take a quick quiz to determine how these Elements are present in your life today.