
images/stories/for website.jpg5 Elements : Feeling Balance in the Body

Practicing Body Awareness through the Principles of Polarity Therapy

...An Experiential Workshop series...

To sign up for one, or more of these workshops simply call 207.409.5097 or email

5 Elements: Intro Workshop

 images/stories/5elementsraindrop2.jpgWhether you are already a Polarity Practitioner, or have never even heard of this holistic therapy before, you will benefit from joining us as we explore what it means to be conscious in the body. Through the use of Polarity Yoga, meditation, and awareness expanding exercises you will experience the five elements as they naturally occur in your physical form. Find out which elements resonate strongest for you specifically and take away some valuable tools for keeping them balanced in your daily life.


Dr. Stone referred to the four elements as rivers and to the one Neutral River of energy from which they all flow as the Ether Element. From Ether the others are made manifest and express themselves in all forms of matter, even the human body. In this workshop we will dive deeper into the Ether Element and into our experience of it in the body. Bask in the peace and expansion of Ether in the spaces between each cell, between the particles of each cell. Learn to recognize and tap into this eternal spring house of rejuvenation and renewal within your own body.


Air is the foot awakening to possibility as it is hoisted from the ground; it is universal essence in action. This workshop explores the Air Element in depth, including its physiological function, nutritional guidelines and of course the experience of it on our senses. Spend some time opening to the joy and exhilaration of the Air Element within you; learn how to keep this excitable and exciting element in balance in your system.


   images/stories/fire.jpgThe Classical Yogic term tapasya, literally meaning "heat", refers to a personal endeavor of discipline, undertaken to achieve a goal. In the same way, the Fire Element in each of us is the conductor of our will center. In addition to learning nutritional ways to balance the Fire inside, this workshop focuses on our ability to make our dreams come true. Access and harness the power of manifestation at the core of your being. Experience the bliss of playing magician in your own life!


images/stories/water22.jpgObserve water in nature and you will see a perfect balance at work between surrender and will. Though its currents are dictated entirely by the surrounding environment, carried in that current are the very seeds by which its environment is forged. This incredible relationship, and the creative power it yields, is present in us through the Water Element. In this workshop we discuss the other side of manifestation and begin to build pathways to complete the cycle. Connect to the depths of your receptive and conscious self; locate your own inner healer. Come dabble in the awesome force of creation and love!


images/stories/earth.jpgReferring to Earth as the final Element, Dr. Stone wrote, “The first becomes the last by expressing itself through it. The last becomes the first by returning to it constantly.” Earth is the culmination of all the elements and their action within us, therefore at the center of its nature is expression of self. The last of our workshop series brings us face to face with the daunting but exhilerating challenge of sitting in full self expression within our bodies. We do so with love, acceptance and divine abandon. Come walk this path with courage, confidence and grace. Dance with us as we make peace with the ultimate element!