Polarity Theory

The 5 Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Space (Ether) are derived from Ayurveda and a central component in the healing process in Polarity Therapy. To understand how the five elements are reflected in the body and used by Polarity Therapists it is necessary to look at several, key principles adopted by Dr. Stone.

1) All life is organized by one, universal life energy. 
            This universal life energy has thousands of names, relevant to the thousands of cultures and religions throughout history from Brahma in parts of the east to God in parts of the west. For the purpose of simplicity I will borrow Dr. Stone’s use of the words “Spirit” and “Prime Source”.

2) This Spirit energy undergoes a “step down” process and is the blueprint for all life and activity, including the psycho-physiological nature of mankind. 
            Dr. Stone writes, “Energy, as it flows from its concentrated Prime Source, becomes slowed down in its speed and vibratory activity…” Here, Dr. Stone is describing the process by which pure energy crystallizes into matter. It is the Polarity of the individual energy units central to this process which gives Polarity Therapy its name. 

3) Life is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
             It is the condition described in principle 2 which provides the foundation of the microcosm/macrocosm concept. At each stage of the “step down” process the preceding spiritual and underlying physical composition is present and reflected. Thus we can observe “As within, so without. As above, so below”, and marvel at synchronicity, moments of divinely perfect timing, or inexplicable coincidences that occur, constantly, throughout our daily lives. With this understanding, Dr. Stone viewed the body as the blueprint of the spirit, and the actions and consequences of our daily lives as the blueprint of our bodies. Thought is form and manifestation is action flowing into form.  Our bodies, and the environment we create for them, are excellent indicators of our internal state of mind.

The Three Gunas and the “Step-Down” Process

If you drop a pebble into a pond, you will observe a series of ripples expanding away from the point of impact. Each ripple carries the energy of the initial impact and so behaves in the same way as the ripple before it and yet...the force of energy in each subsequent ripple is slightly altered. So it is with the stepping down of energy. Each new wave along its journey carries the organizing prinicples of the triune function, and so behaves in the same way as the wave above it, even as its outward appearance begins to take new shape.

            The Step-Down process describes the means by which energy moves from the un-manifest to the manifest; the unseen to the seen. It begins with the universal Spirit energy, whose intentions to realize this cycle of embodied life experience organize into three primary aspects, or, gunas. They are: satva; the neutral, still aspect, rajas; the positive, expanded aspect of the creative, outward flow of energy, and tamas; the negative, contracted, inward, returning flow of energy. This flow and the balance (involution/evolution) maintained by way of their interactions, provide the building blocks for all embodied life and activity in the universe.

            Before looking at how the three gunas interact, let’s look at them individually. Satva holds the neutral charge in the polarity principle, and is characterized by stillness as well as the wisdom and awareness inherent in universal spirit. It is the primary element present in all things and the space in which we exist, without which we could not exist; for there would be nowhere to be.  Rajas holds a positive charge and is energy in expansion. It is the impulse to be, create, multiply, transform and perceive; it is all movement and warmth which supports life. Tamas holds a negative charge and is characterized by inertia. It is the receptive function, the involution of energy, and governs the laws of crystallization, i.e. structure, thus closing the circle to sustain all life and activity in the universe.   

            This interplay of the gunas, which Dr. Stone called their “triune function” give us the name Polarity Therapy. It is understood that action begins from the neutral, conscious space of satva, is carried into the world through the positive impulse of rajas and slows down to return to its source on the wings of the negatively charged, receptive tamas. This polarity of all things living and active can be found everywhere on all levels from the sub atomic to the cosmic and all the psycho-physiological points between. Consequently, our individual lives are seen as the result of spirit energy, moving cyclically from a unified, neutral state into a dualistic, motion based state to allow for experience and perception before returning to the stillness and wisdom of source. 

This understanding, as applied to the Prime Source, or Spirit energy, gives us what I will refer to as the “first wave” of the step-down process. The Ether element holds space for this magnificant dive away from source and into embodied, indivualism and so, a life experience. Ether, thus, is the first wave along our step-down journey. 

The Crystallization of Energy

            If at the center of the universal triad is Spirit, universal life force energy, then the center of this “second wave” of the step-down process is mind energy, which Dr. Stone asserted is the slowed down form of Spirit. This mind-energy flows outward from its center and informs the process by which the eventual crystallization/ formation of structure, and the human body is carried out. In this way, Polarity Practitioners observe mind energy at work on the physical level and trace how thought patterns, beliefs, shifts in consciousness and the strength of our connection to our bodies, minds and hearts all contribute to the health or ill health present in our daily lives.  

The triune function of energy in its crystallized form is observable in the case of an individual unit of matter. At the center of the atom is the nucleus (satva) where energy is highly concentrated and holds both positive and negative charges. This energy flows from the center outward and conducts the energy of the electrons which interact with other electrons (rajas). The further this energy gets from its center, the slower it becomes and crystallization takes place. Eventually the energy initially generated will be exhausted and returns to its original state (tamas). We are also able to observe that these energy centers carry the blueprints for a specific design, which is carried out by the interactions (attraction and repulsion) of the neighboring atoms. As with the case of the three gunas in the first wave, it is the interplay of energies in the body which create and sustain form. 

 Crystallization of energy does not refer to a cessation of movement. Even in its crystallized form as clusters of matter units the energy continues to slow down and is eventually exhausted (decomposition of matter) where it is broken down and returned to the original source. Therefore energy is very much in a state of activity in all the various forms of matter it adopts. Practitioners observe and address energy in the body at various rates of vibration and can identify its influence as part of the satva/rajas/tamas triune.

The influences of this stepped down triune are observable in human behavior as well, as in the case of something as simple as breakfast. The thought occurs that we would like to eat (satva). We put this thought energy into action by toasting some bread in the toaster (rajas). Eventually we ingest the toast, which is broken down by the body into digestible units of energy thereby returning the original energy to its source (tamas). Sort of a new twist on the "you are what you eat" notion, but with the same result. 

This interplay of the electromagnetic poles on the physical plane are observable on all levels of human experience from basic physiology, to behavior, to our emotional reactions, spiritual revelations, interactions with loved ones and neighbors, the life cycle of an attitude or belief, the introduction and eventual exhaustion of a coping skill and on and on. Polarity Therapy empowers the client to take charge of all these levels of experience by holding them in their intended, balanced state where they are naturally resolved.

The Five Elements as Expressed Through Human Form

As Energy enters a slower rate of vibration and enters the physical plane it is further organized into what are known as the Five Elements. As the second wave in the step down process organizes mind energy, this third wave gives the mind and body five primary states or expression.  Here, the triune function of electromagnetic polarization in the body is played out within the expression of each element, reminding us that it is
from the  interplay of these elements within and without us which gives us the full complexity and intricacy of human form and experience.

The chart below gives a broad overview of how the five elements are represented in human form. These elements are present in much more complex ways as well, making up our various organ systems in addition to informing the movement and patterning of thought, emotion and interpersonal relationships, to name a few.